Variation on a Prayer of St. Patrick

I breathe in hope as I stand today:
Calling on the Source, the Wellspring and the Living Water
Believing in the Threeness,
Witnessing the Oneness
On my way to meet you face to face.

Now let’s spend about one minute using part of this prayer as a breath prayer. On the in breath, say: “I breathe in hope.” On the out breath: “…as I stand today.”

Petitionary Prayer

The theme of the first week of Advent is hope, and today we’ll ask God to give us hope for something specific in our daily work. Let’s start by thinking about what we hope for in our work lives—and work life of course includes you moms or dads who stay at home with kids, those of you who are unemployed and seeking the next thing, and those of you who might be retired or on disability…who define your vocations differently at this stage in life. Ask for hope for something in your daily tasks or outlook.

“God, give me hope for _________ in the work that I do.”

Story from All Creation Waits

Story from the Advent book, All Creation Waits, written by Gayle Boss and illustrated by David Klein—today’s story is about the painted turtle.

Reflection on Story

The author talks about the simplicity of utter quietude. Let’s take a minute to practice utter quietude right now, and perhaps you can find another moment or two in your day for focused silence.


Go in peace
Wash your hands
Love your neighbor
You are not alone.