Variation on a Prayer of St. Patrick

I breathe in hope as I stand today:
Calling on the Source, the Wellspring and the Living Water
Believing in the Threeness,
Witnessing the Oneness
On my way to meet you face to face.

Now let’s spend about one minute using part of this prayer as a breath prayer. On the in breath, say: “I breathe in peace.” On the out breath: “… as I stand today.”

Petitionary Prayer

Today we’ll pray that God’s peace will rest on immigrants—documented and undocumented—and especially those who are petitioning our country for asylum.

Story from All Creation Waits

Story from the Advent book, All Creation Waits, written by Gayle Boss and illustrated by David Klein—today’s story is about the raccoon.

Reflection on Story

The author talks about how the raccoon forages for almost anything to eat. Have you ever been so hungry for hope or for guidance from God that you’ll gratefully take whatever scrap of hope or connection you find? Let’s take a minute to meditate on what it might feel like to urgently hope for and expect the comfort and direction of the Spirit. And invite the Spirit to show up in places where we need her right now.


Go in peace
Wash your hands
Love your neighbor
You are not alone.