Variation on a Prayer of St. Patrick

I breathe in joy as I stand today: Calling on the Source, the Wellspring and the Living Water Believing in the Threeness, Witnessing the Oneness On my way to meet you face to face. Now let’s spend about one minute using part of this prayer as a breath prayer. On the in breath, say: “I breathe in joy.” On the out breath: “… as I stand today.”

Petitionary Prayer

Today we’ll pray that joy will be accessible to people going through difficult periods—divorces, moves, job losses, job changes, etc.

Story from All Creation Waits

Story from the Advent book, All Creation Waits, written by Gayle Boss and illustrated by David Klein—today’s story is about the wild turkey.

Reflection on Story

The author talks about how wild turkeys call reassurances to each other in the most difficult of weather, especially to the youngest among them. Let’s take a minute to meditate on how God and others have reassured us in hard times, and how we can be an encouragement to people in our various spheres of life—maybe especially to the youngest in our families, churches, and communities.


Go in peace Wash your hands Love your neighbor You are not alone.