VegMichigan Cooking Demonstration

You're invited to join VegMichigan from 1–3pm in the social hall for a cooking demonstration. VegMichigan is trying to help people transition to eating less meat and more plant-based meals, and is giving away several pounds of frozen vegetables for the project. More details to come!

Ash Wednesday Online Service

Virtual Zoom Meeting

At noon EST we'll host a 20 minute online Ash Wednesday service for anyone who would like to join. Stay tuned for more details.

Event Series Rooting Antisemitism Out of Christianity Class

Rooting Antisemitism Out of Christianity Class 1 of 5

After our Sunday service, we'll join members of St. Clare's Episcopal for lunch and a class that helps us weed antisemitic beliefs out of our faith tradition. The class will include guest lecturers (including some prominent scholars and Jewish leaders), Q&A, discussion and some practical work (i.e., what to watch out for in Sunday School […]