Savory Soups Potluck

St. Clare/Temple Beth Emeth Social Hall 2309 Packard Street, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Join friends old and new from TBE, STC, and BOC for a shared meal featuring plant-forward recipes. What is plant-forward? Good question! It means choosing or modifying recipes to lean heavily on vegetables and fruits. Extra points for modifying a traditional favorite for a tasty, plant-forward twist. Why plant-forward? In addition to providing healthy nutrients […]

Game Night at the Corner

Corner Brewery 720 Norris Street, Ypsilanti, MI

We’ll host Friday game night at the Corner Brewery from 7-9 pm. We’ve reserved space inside. Kids welcome. Bring your favorite games and come connect.

Film Club

The Blue Ocean Film Club, led by Dave Nelson and Tim Vaduva, will be watching their second film togethe at Dave & Jenn Nelson's house (in a neighborhood near the […]