Event Series Zoom Bible Study

Zoom Bible Study


Online Bible study on Tuesday at 7pm, focusing on the gospels as translated by Dr. Sarah Ruden. If you're interested please contact Magda Zarin at  magda.pecsenye@gmail.com

Good Friday Taize Service

St. Clare/Temple Beth Emeth Sanctuary 2309 Packard St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

We're invited to join St. Clare's Episcopal for a Taize Good Friday service at 1pm EDT in their sanctuary; it will be live streamed here: https://saintclareschurch.org/worship. 

Film Club

Dave & Jenn Nelson's

The Blue Ocean Film Club, led by Dave Nelson and Tim Vaduva, will be watching a film together at 7pm at Dave & Jenn Nelson's house (in a neighborhood near the church). […]