Variation on a Prayer of St. Patrick

I breathe in joy as I stand today:
Calling on the Source, the Wellspring and the Living Water
Believing in the Threeness,
Witnessing the Oneness
On my way to meet you face to face.

Now let’s spend about one minute using part of this prayer as a breath prayer. On the in breath, say: “I breathe in joy.” On the out breath: “…as I stand today.”

Petitionary Prayer

Today we’ll pray that we’ll be able to find joy in our relationship with God.

Story from All Creation Waits

Story from the Advent book, All Creation Waits, written by Gayle Boss and illustrated by David Klein—today’s story is about the woodchuck.

Reflection on Story

The author talks about how the woodchuck’s body is synchronized to the rhythm of the earth. Let’s take a minute to meditate on how our own bodies change in accordance with seasonal rhythms, and whether there’s a spiritual metaphor on how we adapt to different seasons of life.


Go in peace
Wash your hands
Love your neighbor
You are not alone.