2020 Blue Ocean Church Advent Meditation Podcast

The word advent means waiting—it’s a four-week season when we practice waiting on the presence of God to show up, symbolized in the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. Advent season begins on Sunday, Nov 29, and culminates on Christmas Eve. We’ll publish meditations on Monday–Saturday each week of the Advent season.

Our 2020 Advent podcast includes guided prayer and meditation, as well as stories of how animals wait and survive in the dark and learn from them what it means to wait on God—and on hope—when things seem hidden from us. Part of the podcast includes stories from a book called All Creation Waits by author Gayle Boss and illustrated by David Klein.

We hope you’ll join us.

Note: the Advent meditations are part of our ongoing Blue Ocean Daily Prayer series. New listeners can also subscribe to the Advent series separately (search for “Blue Ocean 2020 Advent Meditation” in your favorite podcast app).