Blue Ocean Advent 2020 Meditation | Week 1, Day 2 file | Play in new window | Duration: 8:14  Variation on a Prayer of St. Patrick I breathe in hope as I stand today: Calling on the Source, the Wellspring and the...

Blue Ocean Advent 2020 Meditation | Week 1, Day 1 file | Play in new window | Duration: 9:15  Variation on a Prayer of St. Patrick I breathe in hope as I stand today: Calling on the Source, the Wellspring and the...

Blue Ocean Advent 2020 Meditation | Introduction file | Play in new window | Duration: 5:03  2020 Blue Ocean Church Advent Meditation Podcast Each podcast lasts approximately 8–10 minutes, and the format goes like...

Coming Soon—Advent 2020 Meditation file | Play in new window | Duration: 1:35  2020 Blue Ocean Church Advent Meditation Podcast The word advent means waiting—it’s a four-week season when we practice waiting on the...