Spiritual Direction is an ancient tradition of the “care of souls” offered by practitioners trained in a particular school or discipline of spiritual direction. It takes place in a scheduled one-on-one conversation format, often on a monthly basis. Spiritual direction is not therapy, counseling, or friendship. Rather, the practitioner is a trained listener, providing a context for a person to talk about their understanding of the divine in hopes of clarifying and deepening a sense of connection. It can be helpful for those new to faith, those deconstructing unhelpful aspects of a previous orientation to faith, and those who want to develop their spirituality.

photo of Sue BrokawSusan Dykstra offers spiritual direction through Blue Ocean. Susan completed the two-year Internship for Spiritual Companions at Manresa Jesuit Retreat House, graduating in 2019. Sessions are currently offered primarily via Zoom.

The person receiving spiritual direction provides a stipend of $55 per session; for those who cannot afford this, scholarships are available up to the full amount, thanks to the contributions of those who appreciate this ministry.

Contact the office for more information.

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Have a question for our pastor? Click on the photo (above) to send a message to Emily. You can also contact our office through our contact page.

Sunday Services

11am–12pm Sunday Mornings

In-person/Zoom hybrid service
every Sunday at
2309 Packard Street, Ann Arbor
(Social Hall of St. Clare Episcopal Church and Temple Beth Emeth)

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