Connecting Virtually (Local or Translocally)
Many connect with our church virtually, and more so since the pandemic—whether parent allies of LGBTQ+ kids around the country and beyond, people who move to other locations, or those who simply prefer the online option.
Sunday Worship: Online & In-Person/ZOOM Hybrid
All of our Sunday services can be attended virtually through Zoom. Sign up for our weekly invite to receive an email early Sunday morning, with a link and the Sunday service plan.
For video and audio recordings of recent services, visit our Sunday Recordings page.
Information about our Virtual and Hybrid services, including our Zoom webinar link, can be found on our Sunday Services page.
Virtual Small Groups
Our Translocal lay leaders coordinate our Trans Local Connection group (TLC)—a virtual (Zoom) group that includes a monthly facilitated discussion of the Sunday morning message (following the Zoom service) and a monthly midweek group building connection through at fun & games. All our welcome—whether you join us from afar or live in the Ann Arbor. Contact our staff for more information.
Many of our ongoing groups are also virtual (Zoom) or have both in-person and virtual options. The description for each class include details of how they meet, plus the codes IP (for In Person), V (Virtual), or VO (in person with Virtual Option) are shown to easily find a class that fits your attendance preference. Our virtual groups are available to both local (Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti and nearby towns) and translocal participants. Visit our Small Groups & Classes page for a list of our current small groups.
Virtual Classes
We hold classes throughout the year via Zoom—usually for an hour, and available at different times (including Saturday afternoons, Sunday after church, and on weekday evenings). Our class schedule is also available on our Small Groups & Classes page.
Pastor Updates
Each week one of our pastors provides an email update for everyone connected to Blue Ocean. Sign up to receive the pastors’ updates (along with a Sunday Service Zoom Invite email.)
Social Media Connections
Access to a Private Facebook Group for “Blue Ocean Mama Bears” (support for mothers of LGBTQ+ kids committed to being allies). This group is moderated by Liz Dyer, founder of Serendipity-Do-Dah Moms, the largest private FB group of “mama bears.”
Access to a Private FB Group, “A2 Blue Social Club,” to share community relevant content, announce events, share news, etc.
To receive invitations to either of these groups, contact us.
Making Blue Ocean Your Church Home from Out-of-State
We have a growing number of people who connect with Blue Ocean online who live well beyond SE Michigan—across the United States and other countries. Our virtual small groups also include people who live far away from the Ann Arbor area.
Many who connect to Blue Ocean in this way can’t find a progressive church like ours in their local area. Others are connected with Liz Dyer, the founder of the Mama Bears/Serendipitydodah Online FB group. This is a group of mothers committed to being affirming allies to their LGBTQ children. (Liz Dyer is one of our pastors, who serves mothers of LGBTQ kids.) We also have a private FB group for Mama Bears connected to Blue Ocean.
For more information about how you can make Blue Ocean your virtual church home, email the church office.
Is it Sunday Morning?
Join us online via our Sunday Zoom webinar at 11am ET (Zoom connection will open).